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by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-55) The sixteen chapters that begin with “Comfort, comfort my people” comprise a complex but thematically continuous piece focusing on Jerusalem’s restoration as the Babylonian era ended. The prophet is self-effacing and barely visible, but certain aspect
Psalms for Everyone - My God, My God, Why?
Psalms for Everyone - My God, My God, Why?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
My God, My God, Why? Psalm 22: 1-18 Each Palm Sunday as part of our church’s worship we read the story of Jesus’ trial and execution, with members of the congregation taking different parts. There are a number of frightening moments in the story. Particularly sickening is the poi
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 5 Prayer (Chapter 2)
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 5 Prayer (Chapter 2)
by Skylight- Mary C.Earle
Prayer The Celtic Christian tradition, both historical and contemporary, leads us to see that every aspect of life may be brought to speech in prayer. This is a vision of life as ongoing prayer, and of prayer as all of life… Taken from Celtic Christian Spirituality by Annotation
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 9 Pilgrimage (Chapter 6)
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 9 Pilgrimage (Chapter 6)
by Skylight- Mary C.Earle
Pilgrimage In the first years after Jesus’ death and resurrection, what was to become “Christianity” was known as “the Way.” (See Acts of the Apostles 9:2.) Those who were followers of Jesus walked in his spiritual path. These early members of the Way made this pilgrimage as a co
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - THOMAS: from DISBELIEF to FAITH
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - THOMAS: from DISBELIEF to FAITH
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
THOMAS: from DISBELIEF to FAITH Thomas is immortalized as ‘Doubting Thomas’, an unfortunate nickname which does not do him justice either in this story or earlier in John. He is first mentioned when Jesus is returning to Judaea to raise Lazarus—and Thomas says ‘let’s go and die w
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 14 May 1930
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 14 May 1930
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 14 MAY 1930 Oh, this thing of keeping in constant touch with God, of making Him the object of my thought and the companion of my conversations, is the most amazing thing I ever ran across. It is working. I cannot do it even half of a day—not yet, but I believe I shall
LWPT Meditations - Christmas Day III
LWPT Meditations - Christmas Day III
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – Christmas Day III Isaiah 52: 7-10 Psalm 98 Hebrews 1: 1-12 John 1: 1-14 In the Bible passages for Christmas Day, we have the proof of who our Saviour is. We already know he was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph. We know angels heralded his birth, and that shepherd
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Sour Hour of Prayer
1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone - Sour Hour of Prayer
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Sour Hour of Prayer 1 Samuel 1: 9-11 For Hannah, too, the hour of prayer was initially sour, though eventually sweet. Presumably she prayed when she was at home in the village, as other Israelites did, but the occasion when the family went to Shiloh would be a natural time for sp
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Saturday Morning Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Saturday Morning Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
LENT - Saturday Morning Prayer Blessed are you, O God: you watch with us in our darkness. My soul waits for you more than the night-watch for the morning, more than the night-watch for the morning. Psalm 130.5...
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 5 April 1931
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 5 April 1931
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 5 APRIL 1931 We see ourselves on trial with Jesus. He could walk into the jaws of death to do His blessed work for others. He could dare to speak out against wrong and take the consequences. He could receive floggings, could allow men to spit in His face, could endure
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 84; 1, 2